Extend the life of your hat by always handling it by the brim. The brim is designed to be handled, the crown of your hat is not. If you handle your hat by the crown, the dirt and oils on your hands can leave spots or stains.
The best way to care for your hat is to spot clean it with a warm, damp cloth. Harsh cleaning chemicals could damage the quality and appearance of your hat. Always allow your hat to air dry in the shade. Do not use a dryer or leave it in the sun on a really hot day, as heat can change the shape of your hat.
To keep the sweatband dry of perspiration, hair and skin products, and body oils, occasionally turn down the sweatband to dry. This will prevent the sweat and other residues from soaking into the crown of the hat, and potentially leaving stains.
Place your hat upside down on its crown, when not wearing it. If you place the brim of your hat on a flat surface it will eventually cause the brim to flatten and lose its shape. It is best to store your hat for extended periods of time in a hat box, if possible.